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![]() The Shard Character Creation Guidlines Book Read this and the information given at https://donalfall.tripod.com/gurps/shard/chars.html Points : All characters are to be built on 100 points. Background : All characters are to be native of Durman City on "the Shard". Races : Humans and half Elves are the only two races allowed as PC's. Humans cost 0 points, Half Elves cost 30 points ( +1 IQ, Magery 1 & Longetivity ) Statistics : The stats "base" is as follows -
Notes : Note that I am using the optional rule from GURPS Compendium I, pg 7 "redefining Hit Points and Fatigue". Under this rule, Hit Points are based on your ST characteristic ( representing muscle mass & ability to take a blow ) & Fatigue is based on your HT characteristic ( representing endurance & fitness ). This way becomes more economical to be a fighter, as you do not have to concentrate on HT as much and also should see an end to mages with more ST than anyone else just to be able to power their spells! Wealth and Status : Wealth - unless your character has some level of Status, or a Secret, he cannot be of a higher wealth level than Comfortable ( 10 points ). Reputation - any level of reputation is allowed, to usual limits. ( +4/-4 ) Status - There are 4 levels of Status open to your characters Literacy : The world of the Shard is progressing to a educated status. The general populace are Semi-Literate ( 0 pts ), that is, they know how to make their mark & could read this sentance given about 4 or 5 minutes. Full Literacy cost 5 points & to be Illiterate is a -5 point disadvantage. Advantages and Disadvantages : All "mundane" advantages & disadvantages from the GURPS Basic Set, 3rd ed & Compendium I are available. The majority of "Occult and Paranormal advantages and disadvantages are fine too. Use your common sense. I want to get on with this game, not spend days sending emails back and forth cross checking character sheets. As I intend this to be quite a serious campaign, Weirdness Magnet is absolutely forbidden. Not because it's a game wrecker - I can run it just fine - but because generally the players spend more time going on about the weirdness magnet than paying attention to the game. On the subject of variable Advantages and Disadvantages, I have summarised the main likely Allies, Contacts, Patrons and Enemies below. Follow the rows to see their points value and then decide on their "frequency of appearance" as per the relevant entry in the GURPS Basic Set.
Ally Ally Group Contact Patron Enemy Administrative & Castle People King n/a n/a n/a 15pts -40pts Seneschal n/a n/a admin, 4pts 10pts -10pts Guard Captain n/a n/a police, 3pts 10pts -20pts Kings Engineer n/a n/a prof, 3pts n/a n/a Kings Muskets 10pts 20pts milit, 2pts n/a -30pts Castle Servant(s) - 10pts admin, 2pts n/a n/a City Folk & Locals of Durman Hilsen n/a n/a adven, 4pts 15pts n/a Magus Daniel n/a n/a mage, 4pts 15pts -30pts City Merchants n/a n/a busin, 3pts 10pts -20pts City Traders n/a 10pts busin, 2pts n/a -10pts Street Gang 5pts 10pts crime, 3pts n/a -20pts National Organisations & Foreigners Merchant's Guild n/a n/a busin, 4pts 25pts -30pts Mages Guild n/a n/a mage, 4pts 25pts -40pts Kurnull County n/a n/a n/a n/a -30pts Other County n/a n/a n/a n/a -20pts Cordall n/a n/a n/a 25pts -30pts Lord of Vulturr n/a n/a n/a n/a -30pts Orc Warchief n/a n/a n/a n/a -20pts Orc Shaman n/a n/a n/a n/a -10pts anyone else would have to be discussed. Skills : Three skills are explicitly forbidden. Karate, Judo and Fencing have no Shard counterpart skills for the characters to possess and are therefore not available. Anything else that contravenes the rules for a magical TL4 world don't come into play either. All Technological Skills are TL 4. The skill needed to fire a gun is Black Powder Weapons ( BPW ), a P/E skill ( GURPS 3rd Ed, Pg. 49 ). As with all Guns skills, gain +1 to BPW for an IQ of 11 and a +2 for an IQ of 12 or higher. Your characters age is at least (total number of points in skills)/2, as per GURPS Basic Set pg.43. Equipment & Encumberance : As noted before, the $1000 GURPS standard "dollar" translates into 500 Durmese silver pennies (sp). A sample price list is given here for the weapons, armour and equipment usual to Shard adventurers & warriors. Weapon Price ( in sp ) Damage/Type Malf. No. Hand Weapons ( GURPS 3rd Ed, pg 206 - 207 ) Axe 25 sw+2/cut Throwing Axe 30 sw+2/cut Broadsword 250 sw+1/cut Lg Knife 20 thr/imp Sm Knife 15 thr-1/imp Shortsword 200 sw/cut Spear 20 thr+2/imp Quarterstaff 5 sw+2/cr 2-h Axe 50 sw+3/cut Greatsword 400 sw+3/cut Ranged Weapons ( second figure is for cost of ammunition ) Shortbow 25/1 thr/imp Regular Bow 50/1 thr+1/imp Long Bow 100/1 thr+2/imp Crossbow 75/1 thr+4/imp Goat's-foot 25 n/a Matchlock Handgonne 300/1 1d/cr 13 Matchlock Musket 200/1 4d/cr 14 Wheellock Pistol 350/1 1d+1/cr 14 Wheellock Musket 300/1 3d/cr 14 Rifled Musket 300/1 2d/cr 15 Armour ( 3rd Ed Pg 210 )Price ( in sp ) PD/DR Head Leather Cap 10 2/2 Chain Coif 28 3/4 Pot Helm 50 3/4 Body Overcoat 25 0/+1 Cloth Armour 15 1/1 Leather Armour 50 2/2 Leather Jacket 25 1/1 Breastplate 250 4/5 Hands/Feet Leather Gloves 15 2/2 Shoes 20 1/1 Boots 40 2/2 As in our own world, the advent of gunpowder has spelt the end of the heavily armoured warrior. Other armour than this is available, but costs +10% extra, as it would have to be specially made. Refer to the Basic Set pg 210 & figure out the prices from there. Cutomising Characters / Experience : This will be given out exactly as usual, and you are free to spend it whatever way you wish. The use of free time to improve characters will be used exactly as normal ( "Improvement Through Study" GURPS Basic Set pg 82 - 83 & "Time Use Sheet" in the Instant Characters Booklet) between adventures or when I see fit. Magery & Spells : Any "aspected" versions of Magery are allowed, as are magical Knacks. No other optional rules for magery are in place. Spells from the Basic Set, 3rd Ed, are fine, as are any from GURPS Magic. Spells from GURPS Grimoire must be run by me first, there's a couple I don't want in the game. |