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I'm new to running a PBEM so we'll take this slowly at first ( Groans from my Diplomacy Players,
who are used to me being late all the time :) ). Schedule will work as follows :
Friday Day 1 -
Send out e-mail detailing current events & options
Wednesday Day 5 -
Get back all responses from Players by this point
Friday Day 8 -
Send out consequences & update webpage, detail current events & options & cycle repeats, etc
Once we get comfortable, we're going to try and speed it up a lot, to every day or second day.
Here are some ground rules - more as I think of them.
- I'll handle all conflict resolution, Dice Rolls etc
- If I make a Rules mistake, you can question me by private e-mail to Any list - posted query will be treated with
contempt. :) I'll try to fix the mistake in-game & if not I'll give you some credit for the next time around.
- No one rush me!
- scoll
- brianpking
- daverooney
- ruairc
- The Unknown Soldier
- Tyrion
Group Mail will be to
We'll try and keep messages short & sweet & to the point, which will make stuff like combat easier 'cos there will be more feeling of movement. I think that we might introduce a special rule for combat e-mails, speed up the timing or something.
A Typical GM Message
Subject : Move 1, Journey's Beginning
There's a five day journey ahead to the destination of the Castle of Hope deep in the mountains. Who's taking care of the essentials? Also, do you have a particular watch rota or system?
The terrain you're passing through is typical of the Northern Shard, grim steppe that breeds a hard, hard people. They are pretty unfriendly to outsiders, but you can approach them if you want. The winding road has no inns or guardhouses.
A Typical Player Response
Subject : Move 1, Player 1, Character A
My Ranger takes care of the essentials, doing a little hunting ( Survival Steppe - 12, Tracking 14 ). We should have enough food regardless. One of the others organised the watch duties, I do my share with no complaints. I amn't likely to melt the hearts of the people (Charisma +1 only) but if anyone else wants to try, I throw in my two cents. We were talking about it on the e-mail & I don't think anyone's in favour. (or bothered). We just soldier on and try to reach the Castle in good time!