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As an exercise in amusement, I asked my gaming discussion group ( the Galway Games debate ) to name their favourite Warriors, Mages, Rulers, Generals, Game Supplements & Characters. The first four catagories could include any fictional, mythical, historical or extant characters. The fifth catagory could ( obviously ) only include books & game supplements. And the last referred to characters we had played in games ourselves. And here are the reasons, and ( in some cases ) GURPS stats for that person.
Origins : ML = Myth/Legend, R = Real/Extant, F = Fiction, G = Games
Top Warriors
This was an easy topic for people to put forward ideas, if not an easy one to agree on. For the moment we have some answers as :
- Gilgamesh ML, R? - The Epic of Gilgamesh
- Cuchulainn ML - The Tain
- William Marshall R
- Joan de Arc R
- Khalam Mhekhat F - The Malazan Book of the Fallen
- Tenaka Khan F
- Ashen Shurgar F
- The Hound F - The Song of Fire and Ice
- Coltaine F - The Malazan Book of the Fallen
- Miyamoto Mushashi R - A Book of Five Rings
Top Wizards
Wizards were a tough one - how often have you been really impressed by a Wizard in a book? Most are pretty sucky. Still,
- Prince Arithon F - The Wars of Light and Shadow
- Merlin ML
- Balor of the Evil Eye ML
- Morgana le Fay ML
- Quick Ben F - The Malazan Book of the Fallen
Top Generals
Another tough one, but suggestions were slowly made until we had more than just a couple.
- Alexander the Great R
- Hannibal R
- Shaka Zulu R
- Wellington R
- Rommell R
- General Lee R
- High Fist Dujek F
Top Kings & Rulers
Some strange replies here at first glance, but even thinking about the strange ones they make sense...
- King David Ben Jesse ML/R
- Julius Caesar R
- King Arthur ML
- President Washington R
- Genral Franco R
- Cardinel Richelieu R
- Guy du Bas Tyra
- Lord Eddard Stark F - A Song of Ice & Fire
- Yoritomo G - Legend of the 5 Rings
Best Game Supplements
The ones that wowed us...
- GURPS Imperial Rome
- GURPS Ultra Tech ( We love David Pulver! )
- and Bio Tech
- and High Tech
- Veichles
- Mecha...
- GURPS War against the Cthorr
- WHFRP Death on the Reik
- WHFRP Realms of Chaos 1 & 2
- CoC Horror on the Orient Express
- WW Dark Reflections : Spectres
- WW The Shoah
- WW The Autumn People
- WW Exalted
Top Characters
The ones that were fun to play & play with.
- Mr. Cadaver (Charles) GURPS Space
- Ethan Shreike & Michael Redfern (Me & Simon) Vampire:Dimension War 1-3
- Gabriel Knight & Clones (Kris & I) CoC ( kinda )
- Boomer (Mike) Aberrant
- Sparko Figgins (Kris) WHFRP
- Cesair aka Conan Swarzenegger (Charles) GURPS Fantasy via Advanced Heroquest
- Caspian (Kris) GURPS Fantasy
- Br. Williams (Brian) GURPS Fantasy
- Rhodry Walker (Charles) Changeling
- Sam Douglas (Me) Changeling
- X'a (Fearghus) GURPS Fantasy
- Griblix (Kieran) GURPS Fantasy
- Mordred Roberts (Charles) WHFRP
- Rodney Urgh (Kieran) CoC ( kinda )
- The Jackrabbit (Niall) GURPS Supers
- Vivian (Simon) Changeling